Fischerei am Grimnitzsee - Exhibition
The Exhibition „Fischerei am Grimnitsee“ was a challenging and exceptional job. The idea was to create a showroom that tells the history of fishing on this particular lake and the manufacturing and trade of fish-silver. Basic concept is to convey the visitor the feeling to stand on the ground of the lake and to look up to the waterline. For this illusion a really huge wall painting was created and the floor decorated like the ground of the lake. All informatory elements, like the information panels (last pictures on this site) were decorated in the same way. As an addition the rest of the place had to be rearranged and designed for the further use of the „Althüttendorf e.V.“ society. It was really fun to create this kind of conceptual design. Practical execution was done by Iconda GmbH (last picture shows the finished exhibition).